• Office Hours - Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00

Fuel Dryer

Reasons for drying fuel

Woodchip XIV Performance Rates
Product Starting MC Wood chip Output (10% MCWB) Operating Energy Requirment Annual ElectricalConsumption
Tonnes/yr Tons/yr GJ/yr Million Btu/yr kWh/yr
60%  168,000 185,000 756,000 717,000 2,400,000
55%  210,000 231,000 756,000 717,000 2,400,000
50%  263,000 289,000 756,000 717,000 2,400,000
45%  333,000 364,000 756,000 717,000 2,400,000
40%  420,000 463,000 756,000 717,000 2,400,000

Performance Rates of Woodchip XIV at Different Starting Moisture Content Levels

Reasons 1

The usable calorific value of woodchips depends much more on the woodchip’s moisture content than on the species of wood. Fresh wood chips with a water content of 55% provide roughly 2000 kWh in energy per ton.

Reasons 2

By drying woodchips to 20% moisture content, the calorific value is doubled to around 4000 kWh per ton. In a burning process of 1 ton of dried woodchips, approximately 400 L of heating oil can be substituted.

Reasons 3

For woodchip boilers, dry woodchips equate to higher efficiency, clean and more consistent combustion that in turn ensures simple operation and an extended lifetime of the heating system.

Reasons 4

In addition, only woodchips below 30% moisture content are suitable for storage. Woodchips above the 30% threshold are liable to microbial decomposition.